Check In Question: If you could design a mask or costume, what would it look like?
- Miranda: I actually want to make the art of Zel into a costume. Lysithea would dress as Surina.
- Hannah: As far as I’m concerned, the best costume in the world has already been worn by me: Porgins Porgana dePorg. Alba would make a Bahamut mask.
- Kevin: Yellow plague doctor mask and a yellow suit. Gobbles would make Kruzzo, the HydraMeat Customer Satisfaction Hyrdra.
- Victor: The Mandalorian. Blobby eats costumes.
- Cordelia: I would want to wear a Minnie Mouse costume. Surina would dress as Blobby.
- Justice: I would do Ganondorf again, Windwaker. T’chos would go as Bill (Cipher).
Having been joined by two new companions, Alba the Owlin and Blobby the Blob, the party left the city of Pupbaatt to track down another one of Rhu’s items. While heading north towards the Moford Mountains their vehicle broke down. Professor stayed behind to fix it, while the rest of the party proceeded on foot. They were suddenly attacked by three summoned Aeorian Absorbers. Right after defeating the monsters a being, holding two of Rhu’s items, appeared to taunt the party, but Lysithea’s Wall of Fire prevented further monologuing and caused it to flee. After a long rest the party continues their trek towards the mountains, where the being is waiting for them.
Alba prays to Bahamut at the dawn of each day. It’s odd, but this strange party she has found herself traveling with holds a strong presence of Bahamut. After another day’s travel the party finds themselves at the base of the Moford Mountains, a familiar and welcome site to Lysithea. What lies before them is a cave entrance into the mountains, guarded by an Elf and very familiar looking warmachine with Kobolds working on it.
Elf: Halt! Ho there, fellow travelers. How can we be of assistance?
Lysithea: Just traveling. We don’t need assistance.
Elf: Going that way, I assume? *points east and west*
Lysithea: Nope. We’re just gonna keep going this way. *points forward/north*
Elf: I’m going to ask you not to.
Lysithea: Ask.
Elf: You are not allowed to, so no.
Lysithea: That is not asking.
Elf: ‘Kay… Can you please not go this way?
Lysithea: I’m sorry, we cannot follow that request, or asking. We have to go right that way.
The Elf snaps their fingers, and the Kobolds rev up the warmachine.
Lysithea: Am I supposed to be afraid of that?
Elf: It’s supposed… well… We’re going to stop you.
Lysithea: Good luck.
Elf: So we’re doing this?
Lysithea: I mean, you could just move. We’ve blown up a couple of those machines already, sooo…
Gobbles: Why can’t we go through?
Elf: Because these caves are ours.
Lysithea: ‘Kay. We need to go in them.
Gobbles: Do you have a season pass or something?
Surina: Oh man… *facepalms*
(Initiative Gobbles 17, Alba 10, Blobby 11, Lysithea 14, Surina 6)
Begin Mountain Entrance Fight
(Lysithea wisdom save 24) The Elf makes a deep, guttural sound, which Gobbles and Alba recognize as Abyssal, as it casts a spell over Lysithea that doesn’t seem to take effect. (Arcana Lysithea 23) The Elf was trying to cast Dominate Person over Lysithea.
Lysithea walks over to the Elf and slaps them in the face (strength check 19), dealing 1 damage and leaving a hand mark across their face. Before she can turn around and walk away (religion/arcana Lysithea 12, Alba 24, Surina 10, Gobbles 21) the Elf turns into a Yochlol, a demon that acts as an agent of evil that can assume the form of a Drow, Elf, or spider. Alba quickly informs the party that Yochlols are resistant to cold, lightning, and fire, and immune to poison. Lysithea seems unphased and walks back to where she was originally standing.
Lysithea: We were going to give you all a chance to live, but now you’re just going to die a horrible, painful death.
Gobbles casts Entangle, hoping to catch the Yochlol, warmachine, and as many of the Kobolds as possible. The vines that form bloom flowers with extremely vibrant pink and purple petals, and a smiley face in the center. Gobbles is able to entangle the warmachine and the Yochlol, which laughs as if it is underwater. The Yochlol begins to cast Web over the party, but the furious Lysithea Counterspells. She mumbles under her breath about the rudeness of trying to dominate her. The captured warmachine ignites (dexterity save Gobbles 23, Lystihea 24, Blobby 22, Alba 18, Surina 11) and a cone of fire blasts from the dragon head, hitting the entire party. Surina takes the full force of the blast, but is resistant to fire so she takes only 11 fire damage. The rest of the party was able to shield some of the attack and took 11 damage, except Lysithea who is also fire resistant and takes 5 damage.
Gobbles puts Hexblade’s Curse on the Yochlol, runs in between the Yochlol and the warmachine, and casts Arms of Hadar. Colorful pool noodles appear from shadow and begin to smack the Yochlol and one Kobold. The bright colors of the pool noodles alert the targets and they brace for the attack, taking only 3 damage; however, the Yochlol takes an additional 5 necrotic damage from Hexblade’s Curse. One of the Kobolds begins to cackle as it hurls a bottle of lava at Gobbles. Gobbles, seeing the potential delicious bottle coming towards him, tries to catch it, but it drops and Gobbles takes no damage. Lysithea prepares to cast Scorching Ray at the Yochlol, but knows it is resistant to fire. She concentrates on the spell, then transmutes the rays of fire into rays of acid (attack 24, 22, 23). All three acidic rays hit for a combined total of 20 damage. Blobby rushes forward and launches Gobbles former warhammer that he had eaten at one of the Kobolds (attack 10). The first attack misses, but he sucks it up and launches it again (attack 25) and hits for 10 damage. A Kobold lobs a flask filled with Alchemist Fire over at Gobbles, but completely misses. Alba summons her Spiritual Weapon, a glittery, ethereal version of her standard and sends it towards the Yochlol (attack 15). It stabs the Yochlol for 13 force damage. Alba then casts Toll the Dead on the Yochlol. Two silvery fireworks whistle and pop where you would think the Yochlol’s ears would be, dealing 5 necrotic damage. Seeing the sparkly fireworks and the colorful vines and pool noodles, Lysithea thinks to herself, “Now we have two happy spell casting people. What is going on?” The Kobold behind Gobbles takes out a stick and begins to swing it at him.
Gobbles: I’m in a sticky situation, guys!
At the end of the stick is a scorpion, which almost hits Gobbles in the nose, but the Goblin reacts quickly and casts Shield. The disappointed Kobold throws away the stick with the, luckily, dead scorpion. Surina charges forward, swinging her Dragonsword at the warmachine (attack 17). Her first swing deals 6 slashing and 4 fire damage. Frustrated with the minimal damage she swings again with a lot more force (attack Nat20), striking the machine for 13 slashing, 3 fire, and, unleashing Divine Smite, 44 radiant damage. The Yochlol transforms into mist and travels to encompass Gobbles.
Gobbles: Uh oh… oh snap… UH OH!
Blobby takes an attack of opportunity against the mist (attack 16), sucking up some of the mist and spitting it back out for 13 damage. Surina takes 11 damage from a Kobold throwing a rock at her head. Gobbles takes a look at the demon mist surrounding him and does his best not to inhale it (constitution 23). He ponders for half of a second whether he can hit the mist or not, then swings his sword at it (attack 19, crit). Upon seeing the effectiveness of his strike, Gobbles does that thing he does and deals 7 slashing, 4 Fury of the Small, 42 radiant damage from Divine Smite, 4 necrotic, and 5 fire damage to the Yochlol. The Kobold adjacent to Gobbles also takes 14 fire damage from Green Flame Blade and goes down in flames. Gobbles looks over and seens Lysithea still grumbling about Dominate Person and sends her a Bardic Inspiration. One of Kobolds begins to laugh maniacally, then throws a bag at Gobbles’s feet. A swarm of wasps emerges from the bag and sting Gobbles for 23 piercing damage.
Gobbles: Be aggressive! B-e-e aggressive!
Lysithea once again transmutes her Scorching Ray to acid damage and fires at the Yochlol (attack 22, 17, 22). All three rays collide with the mist-wasp combo, striking the Yochlol for 14 damage. Blobby jiggles up to Gobbles (attack 21) and sucks up some of the mist, then spits it back out for 13 damage. Blobby then forms into fist and punches the mist (attack Nat20) 16 more damage.
Lysithea: Good job, Blobby!
A Kobold throws a pot, which shatters at Gobbles’s feet. Green slime begins to ooze towards Gobbles, who is very excited.
Gobbles: Delicious!
Gobbles begins to slurp up the slime and suffers no ill effects as his Slime Sword grants him immunity to poison.
Gobbles: I eat slime like this for breakfast. Literally.
Lysithea: He literally eats slime like that for breakfast. And lunch. And dinner.
Alba decides to join the fray and moves towards Gobbles, who is still surrounded by mist, wasps, and slime. Her Spiritual Weapon stabs at the mist (attack 25) for 7 force damage. Alba fires a Guiding Bolt at the Yochlol (attack 15). A straight beam fires forward and explodes into a silver firework over the mist for 13 radiant damage. The crackles of the firework drift into the mist, coating it in sparkles, which gives advantage to the next attack against it. The sight causes Thistle to start beatboxing on top of Gobbles’s head. Surina continues her assault against the warmachine (attack 24), striking it once for 6 slashing and 2 fire damage. The warmachine is beginning to spark and smoke begins to rise from it. She strikes it again (attack 26) for an additional 7 slashing and 2 fire damage. (Dexterity save 17) They can hear a piercing scream as Kobolds fly out of the exploding warmachine. Surina, who took this warmachine down in 2 turns, leaps out of the way of the explosion and remains unharmed. Lysithea walks over to the mighty Dragonborn and pats her on the back.
Lysithea: Well done!
Surina: I’m mighty and helpful!
The misty Yochlol lets out a cry and summons another Yochlol, which forms right next to Gobbles.
Gobbles: Uh, guys? Help!
The new Yochlol tries to slam at Gobbles, but Gobbles dodges the first slam and blocks the second with Shield. The party begins to panic, seeing their friend surrounded. Gobbles swings at the misty Yochlol (attack 17), striking for 10 slashing damage. The mist begins to fade as the Yochlol is defeated, but Gobbles ignites Green Flame Blade anyway to attack the wasps. With 5 fire damage the waps ignite and turn to ash. The fading mist suddenly becomes the Yochlol’s original form and lands on top of Gobbles. Lysithea sticks her tongue out at it.
Lysithea: Rude.
Gobbles then Misty Steps away from the new Yochlol and closer to the Kobolds.
Gobbles: Ha ha!
One of the Kobolds stands up, grabs a stick with a scorpion, and waves it in Gobbles face. Gobbles leans backwards and the scorpion misses him.
Lysithea: Let’s just get this over with.
Lysithea casts Blight on Yochlol, but the Yochlol resists some of the attack and takes only 23 necrotic damage. Blobby uses Yell at the Yochlol (attack 14), but Blobby can’t figure out where the Yochlol’s ears are and misses. Blobby takes a second to observe the Yochlol, then engulfs its whole body and screams as loud as he can (attack 23). The Yochlol falls back out of Blobby after taking 8 damage. Alba’s Spiritual Weapon swings at the Yochlol (attack 11), but it misses. Abla moves in to flank the Yochlol with Blobby, then stabs her standard into it (attack 22) for 6 piercing and 8 radiant damage. Surina looks back and forth between the Kobolds and the Yochlol, unsure of what to do.
Lysithea: Go kill the thing before it summons another thing!
Surina charges towards the Yochlol, lunging her sword into its back (attack 15) for 11 slashing and 8 fire. She removes her sword from it and stabs it again (attack 18) for an additional 6 slashing and 9 fire damage. The Yochlol cries out and tries to summon another Yochlol, but its cries go unheard. Gobbles picks one of the Kobolds and crunches in on it (attack 15) for 7 slashing and 5 fire damage. As the Kobold falls down, defeated, Gobbles turns to look at the one remaining Kobold, who is holding a bag.
Gobbles: You should probably put that weapon down.
Lysithea: I gave you guys the opportunity earlier! Did you listen? Nooo. You chose the painful way.
The Kobold bends over, opens the bag, and frees the skunk that was inside it.
Kobold: I didn’t know she could summon that thing, too!
Lysithea: You chose pain!
Gobbles: Did you know that she was that thing?
Kobold: Not really.
Lysithea: *singing* You chose pain!
Gobbles puts his arm around the Kobold to watch what he thinks will be a very short show.
Lysithea: Oh my gosh, just go away!
Lysithea really wants to blow up the Yochlol, but knows it is resistant to most of her spells and that a dungeon still lies in wait for them. She decides to hold back and casts Magic Missile at the Yochlol for 8 force damage. Blobby launches the warhammer out of his chest at the Yochlol (attack 19) for 11 damage. The blob then forms a giant head and headbutts the Yochlol (attack 15) for 14 more damage. Alba’s Spiritual Weapon starts moving to attack the Yochlol (attack Nat1), but right before it collides it pops out of existence, popping back in where it would have been after the swing.
Alba: N-n-no!
Alba then attacks with the physical standard (attack 24), striking the Yochlol for 7 piercing and 7 radiant damage. As Surina begins to swing her sword at the Yochlol the entire party breathes a sigh of relief knowing that it’s all over now (attack 27). Her sword slices through the Yochlol like butter, and it melts away. The remaining Kobold immediately surrenders.
End Mountain Entrance Fight
Gobbles: What’s your name, friend? I’m Gobbles the Goblin.
Lysithea: Gobbles…
Kobold: Rakmas.
Gobbles: Hi Rakmas. So, uh, whatcha guys doin’ here?
Rakmas: We were hired to wage war.
Gobbles: How much do they pay you?
Rakmas: I dunno. They give us stuff like this and magic stuff. We work with the Giff. They get paid. We get promised an entire city to destroy.
Lysithea: That’s not gonna happen, bro.
Gobbles: Yeah. I’ll do you a favor. So, they paid you to wage war, so we’ll just take everything that you and your friends hand so then you don’t need to wage war anymore because we took the payment instead and we’ll wage war, just on them.
Rakmas: So you’ll take…
Gobbles: And I’ll give you a silver piece…
Rakmas: Deal! You killed all my friends, so…
Lysithea: Did you just pay the guy that we… whatever…
Gobbles: Spread the word of Bahamut through the land. And no more attacking innocent people. Here’s a second silver.
Rakmas: Yeah, no more innocent. I think I’m gonna go to Naima. I will spread the word of Bahamut.
Gobbles: (Insight adjusted 20) Are you going to not attack innocents?
Rakmas: Define “innocent”.
Lysithea: Do you want to keep your head attached to your body?
Rakmas: No innocents, got it.
Gobbles pulls the Kobold’s head right next to him.
Rakmas: You are very green.
Gobbles: Yes, thank you. If you ever attack an innocent person I will find out. And you know those random animals and stuff you had? I will put ten of each of them inside of you. And then I’ll cut your head off. And then I’ll eat your head. (Intimidation 15)
Rakmas: You are very frightening as well. You won’t see me again ever.
Gobbles: Alrighty then. *pats Rakmas on the head*
Lysithea: Now run, little man, run!
Rakmas quickly runs away in the direction of Naima.
Lysithea: Gobbles I’m so proud of you!
Gobbles: What did I do?
Lysithea: *pats him on the head* You’re terrifying!
Gobbles begins to inspect the bodies of the other Kobolds next to the burning wreckage of the warmachine. He finds a bag…
Gobbles: Hey guys, I found a cat!
Lysithea: Gobbles, no…
Gobbles: A really stinky cat!
Lysithea: Let the poor thing go.
Gobbles: Okay… be free, strange cat.
Gobbles releases the skunk into the wilderness, then continues to search. He finds a flask of acid, a flask of alchemist fire, three baskets of centipedes…
Lysithea: Let’s feed those to Jeffrey.
…two green slime pots, three pots of rot grubs…
Gobbles: Let’s feed those to Jeffrey as well.
…two scorpions tied to a stick…
Gobbles: Here you go, Jeffrey has two friends now!
Lysithea: I can make a swarm now! Here, Jeffrey, meet Eustace and Eugenie!
… another skunk in a cage…
Gobbles: Be free!
… daggers made of crude material, and two bags of wasps.
Gobbles: I’ll take one bag of wasps. Here, Alba, do you want one of these?
Alba: *stutters* Um, I’ll pass!
Gobbles: Okay, I’ll take it back.
Lysithea: Look, Jeffrey, you have friends now!
Standing before the party are two massive iron doors. Gobbles hears a hiss from the top of his head.
Gobbles: Hey, Thistle.
Thistle: Nasty iron…
Gobbles: Yeah…
Thistle and Gobbles, both creatures of Fey, feel uncomfortable near the cold iron doors. (Investigation Gobbles 21) These doors were welded on to the natural entrance of the cave, with the intent to keep Fey out.
Gobbles: Hey, Surina, could you maybe make these doors not be here anymore? Please?
Lysithea concentrates and summons Bigby’s Hand. The giant, necrotic, vampiric hand grabs the doors and launches them across the plains, then turns back and waves at the party.
Lysithea: Door’s gone.
Gobbles: Thank you.
Gobbles and Thistle feel better, but only for a moment. A scent rises from the caves, and the smell of cold iron washes over the party.
Lysithea: I have a suggestion to at least help Thistle. Thistle could go let Professor know where we are and that way Thistle doesn’t have to go through this terrible place that’s going to hurt him.
Thistle: Then my new friend won’t have his magic powers.
Gobbles: It’s true.
Lysithea: Thistle… (Insight 25)
Thistle: But my new friend won’t have his magic powers.
Lysithea: As his “patron”, you should know that’s not true, and we’re trying to make sure you’re not getting hurt either.
Thistle: Fine…
Thistle takes off his tophat and places it on Gobbles’s head, then flutters off.
Lysithea: Now only one of you has to suffer.
The party turns to face the cave entrance, the memories of the Eldritch horrors they encountered in the last dungeon fresh in their heads. Seeing the nerves on everyone’s faces, Alba stops the party just before entering.
Alba: E-e-e-e-excuse me, everyone. B-before we go into this t-t-terrible place, would you like me to B-Bless us or enhance someone’s ab-b-bilities?
Lysithea: Yes.
Alba: *throws arms into the air* A-A-ALMIGHTY B-BAHAMUT! Please bless us in our g-glorious journey!
Gobbles: YEAH!
Alba: Y-yeah…
Alba casts Bless on the entire party.
Surina and Blobby race to be the first to enter the cave. Surina gets there first, but Blobby is right behind her. The smell of cold iron accompanies the sense of foreboding in the air. Everything feels manufactured. The iron walls were not originally in this cave.
Lysithea: What did they do to the mountains?! How long has this been going on?
The sense of magic is very strong in the dungeon, along with the feeling that Fey are not welcome. Lysithea can feel the dagger pulsing, indicating that one of Rhu’s items is nearby.
Gobbles: Lysithea, is this your house?
Lysithea: No, my house is a lot hotter than this.
Gobbles: Okay. Yeah, this place is a little too irony.
Lysithea: Yeah, no, I don’t like this. Mostly because these are the mountains around my house and they are destroying them.
A hallway stretches before the party.
Lysithea: Alright, Surina, lead the way.
Surina, sword drawn, leads the party down the hallway, checking for traps as she goes.
Alba: I can check for t-traps if you want.
Lysithea: Oh, you haven’t been in a dungeon with us before. Gobbles is very good at finding traps.
Gobbles: I have a particular set of skills. I will find every trap.
Lysithea: Literally every trap. And then he’ll avoid the traps, and then go backwards and activate it.
Instead of casting Find Traps, Alba prepares to heal Gobbles at any moment. Blobby takes this moment of conversation and wiggles past the party. He sniffs around the floors and walls to check for traps, but finds none. He comes across a door at the end of the hallway, and makes a pinging sound to indicate the way is safe. Surina approaches the door cautiously, then puts her hand on the door to open it. As soon as her hand touches the door a glyph appears. (Arcana Lysithea 24, Surina 2) The glyph has a spiraling star in the center of a star in the middle of a pentagon, the symbol of conjuration. The party steels themselves, preparing to attack whatever is conjured when they open the door; however, Alba walks straight up to the glyph and casts Dispel Magic on it. The glyph disappears and the door opens. Down a long hallway to the left the party sees a large, inactive golem. (Arcana Alba 16, Lysithea Nat20) The golem appears to be incomplete, as if whoever built it is still putting the finishing touches on it. It is a Mage Hunter Golem, designed to destroy magic users, and it would have been activated had Alba not dispelled the glyph.
Lysithea: How dare they?!? I want to take this thing apart.
Gobbles: Or make it our friend.
Lysithea: No. This thing is made to destroy me.
Gobbles: We can put this thing on the hood of our truck.
Lysithea: We can take the head if you want.
Gobbles starts to scamper up the golem, but the iron it is made out of causes him great discomfort, and he hops off.
Gobbles: I’m not a fan of this…
Lysithea walks up to the golem and hits some of its weak points, causing it to fall apart. She continues to hit it until it is rendered completely useless.
Lysithea: What is going on here? First that thing tries to dominate me, and now they’re making things that are trying to get rid of magic users. What is happening?! I would like to visit my volcano so that I can tell my volcano god that there is an anti-magic thing happening in its territory. I have a volcano god, by the way.
Alba: Surina, are you going to open the n-n-next door?
Surina: Yes.
Lysithea: Let’s inspect the next door.
(Surina investigation 17) Upon investigation, Surina notices the door was protected by the golem, so there are no traps or glyphs. Everyone can see that Gobbles is very uncomfortable, being surrounded by cold iron. Lysithea walks over to Gobbles, takes Thistle’s top hat off of his head, pats him on the head to reassure him, then replaces the top hat. Surina opens the door and peers in.
Alba: W-w-what’s around the next corner, S-Surina?
Around the corner is another long hallway. There are a few piles of what look like dirt, but are clearly filled with iron, making the terrain difficult to cross. At the back of the hallway stands a cloaked figure, similar to the one the party encountered in the fields. It is holding a staff, similar to Rhu’s, that pulses with chaotic energy. In front of it are two core spawn, insect-like creatures with four taloned arms and a hooked tail. The mage speaks in a low, raspy voice.
Mage: You were supposed to have been killed.
Alba: I d-d-d-d-disagree.
Blobby: Me too.
Lysithea: Sorry, we don’t like dying.
Blobby: No! No dying!
Begin Mage Fight
(Blobby wisdom saving throw 12) The mage hisses at Blobby, then throws an orb of light at him, hitting for 23 damage and blinding the blob. (Wisdom saving throw 20) The mage throws another orb, but this time Blobby is prepared and eats the orb. The two core spawn hold their ground. Gobbles rushes in and, with some difficulty, climbs over one of the piles of iron. Gobbles sends some Eldritch Blasts towards the mage (attack 14, 18). Only one of the blasts hits for 7 confetti damage. Lysithea inches around the corner and ducks behind one of the iron piles. The pops up just long enough to Twin Spell Firebolt at the mage (attack 24, adjusted 20). The first bolt strikes the mage for 16 damage, but it appears to absorb some of the damage. The second bolt hits for 14 more damage, with the mage taking the full amount. Lysithea immediately ducks back down after seeing both bolts hit. Blobby moves down the hallway, and oozes through the piles of iron, and strikes one of the core spawn (attack Nat20). Blobby slaps his blob form down on the spawn for 23 damage, killing it instantly. Blobby giggles up to the other spawn (attack 15) and super slaps it for 12 damage. Alba peers in through the doorway and quickly assesses the situation. She starts making her way towards the injured Blobby to heal him (athletics 9), but as she climbs over the iron pile she begins to sink into it, and the iron begins to form around her. Alba lets out a squeal and scrambles to get out (athletics 22). Once safely out of the pile Alba takes a moment to calm down and catch her breath. Surina charges in, then Misty Steps to flank the remaining core spawn with Blobby. She slices through the core spawn (attack 21) for 4 slashing and 9 fire damage, striking it dead. Surina turns around, swiping her sword at the mage (attack 11), but the mage steps out of the way and avoids the attack.
The mage swings its staff at Surina, striking her for 10 bludgeoning, 5 radiant, and 20 psychic damage. The mage then sends a chaotic orb at Gobbles (wisdom saving throw 19), but Gobbles is able to withstand the attack. Gobbles rushes up to the mage while casting Hunter’s Mark, then smashes into the mage (attack 24) for 11 slashing, 5 sneak attack, 5 Hunter’s Mark, 36 radiant Divine Smite, 4 Fury of the Small, and 8 fire Green Flame Blade damage. The mage uses its reaction and absorbs half of the damage, imbuing it into its staff. Lysithea pops up from her cover and shoots another Firebolt at the mage (attack 27) for a measly 4 fire damage. Blobby giggles up to the mage and forms himself into the shape of the arrow (attack 21) and pierces the mage for 8 damage. Blobby lets a slimy roar, then blob slaps the mage (attack adjusted 20) for 14 more damage. Alba moves off of the clingy iron pile and casts Toll the Dead on the mage. Two silvery fireworks pop right next to the mage’s ears for 19 necrotic damage. Surina lunges at the mage (attack 16), piercing its side for 12 slashing and 3 fire damage. She spins around, bringing her sword slicing down on the mage (attack 16) for an additional 9 slashing and 8 fire damage.
The mage smacks Surina in the back with its staff (attack Nat20), unleashing the damage that it has been absorbing onto her. She takes 15 bludgeoning, 26 radiant, and 41 psychic damage. Surina goes limp and falls unconscious (death saving throw 8). The party lets a simultaneous scream as, for the first time since their adventures started, Surina goes down. The mage gets a horrifying grin on its face as it turns to Gobbles and strikes him (attack Nat20) for a total 59 damage of radiant and psychic. A very beaten Gobbles reacts with Hellish Rebuke, but the mage leaps out of the way and takes only 5 damage, absorbing the other 6 dealt. Gobbles, with tears down his face and blood streaming from his ears, lets out a scream as he stabs at the mage (attack 17). He hits the mage for 6 slashing, 5 sneak attack, and 17 radiant Divine Smite damage. The mage lets out a piercing wail as the Divine radiance of Bahamut explodes its head, and his staff begins to crack and spark. The staff falls to the ground, and its cloak hits the ground with no sign of a body.
End Mage Fight
Alba immediately rushes over to Surina and Channels Divinity.
She plants her standard into the ground, and the two snakes of magical energy swirl around the staff and pop, healing Surina for 48 damage. As Surina returns to consciousness the rest of the party rush over to her and embrace her in the biggest hug she has ever received.
Will the party survive the rest of this anti-magic dungeon? End session.
Check Out
Spotlight on Another Player:
- Miranda: Kevin for Gobbles actually being threatening.
- Hannah: Cordelia for experiencing her character going down for the first time and taking it like a champ.
- Kevin: Hannah for the blesses and magic weapons and playing the character to its epitone.
- Cordelia: Victor for playing.
- Justice: Hannah for really getting into it. She does roleplay great.
Challenge or Something Learned:
- Miranda: Surina went down. It was not good.
- Hannah: Trying to decide when to pop my healing. Also I couldn’t because I was stuck on that debris.
- Kevin: We need to be very careful whenever we get to fight actual Rhu because his interns are now packing more of a punch than when we fought him.
- Cordelia: Victor was distracting me today because he kept asking for my sword.
- Justice: Still working on balancing.
Hope or Prediction for Next Session:
- Miranda: I hope I remember what’s going on after vacation.
- Hannah: I hope this dungeon has some interesting puzzles.
- Kevin: I’m looking forward to what horrific things we discover here. Just scrawling inappropriate things all over Rhu’s future house.
- Cordelia: I just can’t wait for my Tundra dungeon.
- Justice: In 3 weeks we’ll get to play.
Analysis: Cordelia had a little bit of trouble focusing for the first half of this session. She likes to build kingdoms, but she kept accidentally knocking them over and her dice were going everywhere. We aren’t sure why, but this session was the start of Cordelia holding back on Divine Smites, wanting to save them for only crits. We keep encouraging her to use her smites (any of them), but she is starting to hold on to them like they are consumables. But these are minor compared to the fact that, for the first time since we started playing (over a year, 53 sessions) her character went down. She took it in stride! At first she was confused, wondering what was going on, but she didn’t get upset, worried, or angry. She sat calmly and watched the remainder of combat, confident that she would be fine. It was the adults that were upset! She was more worried about Gobbles, her favorite character, going down, too, when he got hit by a crit right after she did. We are all grateful that we now have a Cleric.
Great session! Got some awesome encounters in here, and I like how everyone handled things even with a player going down!