Check In Question: Name a place you would like to visit.
- Miranda: Besides Disney World, New Zealand for the Lord of the Rings Tour. Also to see the Northern Lights. Lystieha wants to visit the mysterious gem that causes heat in the north and cold in the south.
- Ian: Japan. Professor wants to visit his personal bathroom. He has one, it’s just been so long.
- Cordelia: Japan. Surina wants to visit the mysterious lake in the middle of the Tahnatl Forest.
- Shannon: Also Japan. K’un-Lun would like to visit the Akcraam Mount because his master would tell stories of training up there.
- Justice: My answer is also Japan. I will answer as (rolls d4) Ludlow. Ludlow Luckinbill would like to visit the peaceful town of Naima.
- Kevin: Real life, nowhere. Gobbles would be Bahamut’s realm to meet him and thank him for giving him the powers to save the world.
- Liz: Seoul, South Korea… but also Japan. Octavia would like to go back home to her home forest in Tahnatl.
- Fun Fact: When I (Miranda) was planning my Make-A-Wish 20 years ago one of the places I wanted to go was Japan, but Shannon was too young and would not enjoyed himself very much. I ended up choosing Disney World because it would be a place my entire family would enjoy.
When we last left the party they had separated in the haunted mansion of Nathanial Beauregard. Professor and K’un-Lun had just found a Wand of Secrets in the master bedroom, and the rest of the party were in the dining room. They recently heard the Baron scream and believe him to be missing. Ansel was left in the guest room, and Missi is still fanning herself on the fainting couch.
Professor and K’un-Lun make their way to room U9, a dressing room. The room contains a full bodied mirror fixed to a wall, a low bench, and a rack of shoes.
K’un-Lun: Look, it’s all of the shoes.
All the shoes look the same, each with a little “NB” etched into them. Professor tries on the fancy lady hat in the mirror (see Session 15). As he is admiring himself Nathanial Beauregard’s ghost appears. It stares at Professor and tries to reach out at him.
Professor: You can’t have my hat!
Wisdom saving throw (6). He feels the need to run out of the room, so he bolts from the room and runs into U10, slamming the door behind him. K’un-Lun did not see the ghost in the mirror and is confused by Professor’s behavior.
K’un-Lun: Huh? What’s his deal?
He checks out the bench, then looks under it (investigation, adjusted 1). He doesn’t notice anything besides collected dust.
K’un-Lun: I’m allergic to dust! *looks away*
Professor is in a very spacious closet filled with Nathanial Beauregards’s outfits (investigation 21). Empty hangers indicate that some outfits are missing. Something seems off about the back wall in this closet. Professor touches the wall (investigation, 12) and finds a secret panel. He pushes it and hears a faint click as smoke fills the room, causing him to cough uncontrollably. This is the same type of smoke from when Nathanial Beauregard appeared in the fireplace (see Session 15). Wisdom saving throw, Nat 1. The DM will tell us what happens because of that Nat 1 later. The smoke dissipates.
Professor: I have a feeling that’s going to hurt later.
He pushes through the secret panel and calls for K’un-Lun to follow him.
K’un-Lun: It’s dusty in here anyway!
K’un-Lun follows Professor into the secret room. Gas leaves the room as he enters (Wisdom saving throw with advantage, Nat 20). He can tell that the gas is hallucinogenic and backs off a bit.
K’un-Lun: I used quite a bit of this back in my day before I committed myself to the law. It’s been over 1,000 years.
Professor and K’un-Lun are standing in a hallway with 2 other doors facing them, and a stairway going down.
The remainder of the party is in M6. They try to enter M7 but it is locked. Gobbles tries to open with Thieves’ Tools (Sleight of Hand, 7) but fails. Octavia tries to pick the lock (Sleight of Hand, 8) and also cannot open it. Everyone rolls perception (Surina 13, Lysithea 15, Gobbles 17, Octavia 16). They all hear a scuffle coming from M4.
Octavia: Did you hear that? I think we need to go back and look.
Lysithea: Sounds good. Let’s go!
The party rushes to M4, a library. Missi is panting and fanning herself. Her dress is a bit ripped and disheveled.
Octavia: Ma’am, are you alright?
Missi: I just had to fight off this nasty creature.
Lysithea: You had to do what now?
Missi: Fight off this ghastly looking creature!
Perception (Gobbles 23, Octavia 18, Surina 17, Lysithea Nat 20). They notice on her dress that there’s bits of a green, glowing substance, like the ghost. Everything about her dress looks like there was a struggle, but Lysithea notices that she could have done it herself.
Missi: And when y’all walked in you scared it off with your heavy footsteps.
(Insight Lysithea 7, Gobbles Nat 1, Octavia adjusted 20, Surina 15) Gobbles feels the need to protect her. Protecting her is now his task and he wants to defend her honor. The rest feel like she may not be telling the full truth. Investigation of the room (Octavia 13, Surina 14) reveals that some books have been pulled out, like someone has been searching for something. Books have fallen from high to reach places, the dust is unsettled. This library may have been respectable at first, but there are large sections on the shelves with books missing. (Investigation with disadvantage, Lysithea 12 and Nat 1) Lysithea is instead fixated on a large portrait of Nathanial Beauregard.
Gobbles: Don’t worry, Miss, I’ve got this.
Missi: I’ve always depended on the kindness of strangers. I think I’ll stick with you for a while.
Octavia looks at some of the books that have fallen to the ground. Something feels off… Books begin levitating off the ground (wisdom saving throw, Octavia 19, Gobbles 6, Surina 7). Surina runs out of the room when she sees the levitating books. Gobbles makes another saving throw because his need to protect Missi and his need to run are conflicting (17, he gets to decide). He stands in a defensive position wanting to protect Missi and tries to fight the books with his warhammer. He attacks and smacks the books (strength, 10). The books start swinging as he hits them – they are hanging from strings. Surina reenters the room no longer scared. Lysithea feels as she stares at the picture that no matter where she goes the eyes will follow her (wisdom saving throw, 22). She isn’t scared, but feels the eyes following her.
Lysithea: So that’s a thing now.
Octavia investigates the strings (3) and just pulls on them. Surina investigates the books (Nat 20) and finds a journal page. Surina reads the passage out loud.
Journal Entry 3
Just received word about Missi. She started buying stock in the Acrael Shipping Co. They handle my shipping along the southern coast. Trying to get something going before I croak!
I have felt eyes upon me. I have been hearing voices. I have moved the statue to the room. The ritual I have found will be conducted there. This will turn my luck!
Missi looks aghast hearing this read out loud about her.
Missi: I would never!
Insight (Gobbles 18, Octavia 13, Surina 4, Lysithea 8). Missi looks flabbergasted.
Missi: I would never do such a thing.
Gobbles: It’s on the paper, though. It must be true.
Missi: Come, come, I need a drink. *motions for Gobbles to follow*
Octavia: Keep an eye on her!
Gobbles hesitantly follows her back to the living room, where she pours herself a glass of bottled juice. Octavia and Surina once again investigate the strings (Surina 5, Octavia 8).
Lysithea: This is the worst library I’ve ever been in. Can we leave please?
Octavia: You don’t want to look for anything else?
Lysithea: This library stinks.
Professor enters the first door facing him. This is a sparsely furnished bedroom. People have lived here, but not too recently.
Professor: Perhaps some sort of servants quarters.
K’un-Lun enters behind him. They both start shivering as a figure stands up from the bed. They cannot make it out.
K’un-Lun: Identify yourself heathen!
It is a pale, grey humanoid with arms stretching down with razor sharp claws. To add to that, by it Professor sees the figure of Nathanial Beauregard floating in a ghastly darkness.
Professor: Oh. My. God.
Professor gets disadvantage on attacks and saving throws. Initiative (K’un-Lun 5, Professor 1)
Begin Ghast Battle
The creature moves forward and makes a claw attack against Professor. It hits with an 18, but Professor casts shield as a reaction so it does not make contact.
K’un-Lun: You came to the wrong mansion! Or maybe we came to the wrong mansion. Anyway, die!
K’un-Lun uses Flurry of Blows and punches the creature with an altered 20, a Nat 20, and another altered 20. His punches do a combined total of 28 damage. The creature can take physical damage and is definitely hurt. Professor makes a constitution saving throw with disadvantage (8). The stench of the creature overpowers Professor and poisons him. It smells like it’s been soaking in its own juices. Professor takes a 5ft step back and shoots with his crossbow, but misses with a 4. The creature turns and hits K’un-Lun.
K’un-Lun: Come and get me!
It hits with a 21, doing 10 damage. K’un-Lun makes a constitution saving throw (adjusted 20) and is not paralyzed, but fails his second throw and is now poisoned. K’un-Lun uses another ki point for another Flurry of Blows. He hits with a 19, critically fails his second attack, and the third one misses. He does 7 damage. The critical fail leaves the overpowering stench of the creature on K’un-Lun’s hands. The creature has 1 health point left. Professor tries to shoot, but rolls with disadvantage and misses with a 6. The creature slashes at K’un-Lun but misses. K’un-Lun makes his saving throw for the stench (12) and is fine. K’un-Lun does an ax kick over it’s head and kills it with a 25. He absorbs it’s life force using Touch of Death.
End Ghast Battle
Professor notices the vision of Nathanial Beauregard disappearing. Upon investigation it appears that Undead have been living in the room, and the stench is horrific. Professor and K’un-Lun investigate the wall where Nathanial was, but their low rolls show nothing else in the room. The other rooms in this area are exactly the same.
Missi and Gobbles are back in M3. Gobbles no longer feels the need to protect Missi cause she’s just sitting there, so he leaves and rejoins the party. Surina leads the party to M1, the entryway. There are two statues of knights, and the floor sags underneath the carpeted area.
Lysithea: What’s up with this saggy floor?
Lysithea pulls the carpet up to investigate, but as she does the knight statues come alive and attack. Initiative (Surina adjusted 20, Octavia 19, Lysithea 19, Gobbles 14).
Begin Statue Fight
Surina attacks first. She swings her longsword at one of the statues, hits with a Nat 20, and does 19 damage. She uses Divine Smite and does 10 more damage to the statue. Octavia shoots at the same statue, hits with a 17 and does 8 damage. The statue collapses. Lysithea shoots Fire Bolt at the other statue, hits with an 18, and does 8 fire damage. The party hears a very high-pitched, womanly scream coming from upstairs. Gobbles swings his warhammer at the statue but whiffs with a roll of 2. The statue swings back at Gobbles and hits with a 19, doing 10 damage. Gobbles reacts with Hellish Rebuke. The confetti filled, pink fire does 12 damage to the statue. Surina flanks the statue to attack, and hits with a 24. She does 8 damage, leaving the statue barely able to stand. Octavia shoots an arrow at the statue, hits with a 23, and does 4 damage. The statue collapses.
That Was Fast
Both statues have collapsed into piles of metal.
Gobbles: Yeah, free metal!
Gobbles does an arcana check (Nat 20) and knows these were moved using an animate spell. They finish pulling the rug up and reveal a trap door with a keyhole. Gobbles lends Octavia his Thieves’ Tools and provides Bardic Inspiration. With a total of 22 she unlocks the door, which opens to a staircase leading down.
Professor and K’un-Lun make their way to U3, but on the way Professor checks U5 to see if Ansel is still sleeping. He is not in the room. They find him in front of U4 trying to get in. K’un-Lun sneaks up behind him (Stealth, 15).
Ansel: I need to get in!
He tries to pour something in the keyhole. K’un-Lun slowly brings his arms over Ansels head, then grabs his shoulders. Ansel lets out a high-pitched soprano scream so loud that the party downstairs hears a high-pitched woman scream as they fight the statues.
K’un-Lun: What are you doing there Ansel, old pal?
Ansel: Oh, um, I was, but I heard some sounds and… *wheezing*
K’un-Lun: I’m just playing with you. Let’s see if we can get this door open for you old pal.
Professor uses Thieves’ Tools (9) and can’t get it open. K’un-Lun punches the door (12) and he hears a crack as the door splinters a bit. Constitution saving roll (15) and the stench from his hands does not bother him. K’un-Lun tries using Professor as a battering ram to open the door. They attack with a 19 as Professor lets out a mighty yell and the door bursts open. K’un-Lun leaves Professor stuck in the door as he enters the study room. There’s a giant wooden desk against the shuddered window. There are piled up ledgers left open. Everything else is closed up. On top of the desk sits a crystal ball on top of a piece of paper.
K’un-Lun: Whelp, that’s probably a thing.
Ansel pushes past him.
Ansel: Oh thank you. My uncle left something here and I need to find it.
Professor: What did he leave you? We can help you find it. *climbing out of the door*
Ansel: Don’t worry about it.
Professor: No, you see I’m quite worried because I believe this is my house too! I’m in the will!
Ansel looks at the desk and makes a dash for the crystal ball. As soon as he touches the ball he disappears. The crystal ball falls to the floor and bounces.
Professor: Does this man know not to stare into the palantír? You never know who may be watching!
Professor wraps up the ball in his tattered cloak and picks it up. On the desk he finds another journal entry. There are ink splotches covering some of the words, so Professor casts Prestidigitation to remove the ink splotches making the whole note legible.
Journal Entry 4
Ansel. If Missi got the brains she may have also gotten the brawn. Buying that land hoping for gold, he got mud. That’s what he gets for trusting a musician and a Goblin. I may have a bridge to sell.
It has gotten darker here. Is it the ritual? The text talks about signs. I have almost all the components, except the family.
Do I really need this? Is it worth it? Yes!
Professor then does an arcana check on the ball (16). If there was magic on the ball it is now gone. Ansel activated whatever spell was used on it. Professor assumes the spell was Teleport.
Professor: I believe this man has been teleported to somewhere else.
Upon further investigation (Professor 16) the ledgers show Nathanial Beauregard was wealthy, but he has lost a lot of shipments and, therefore, money. He began selling off personal property to compensate for his losses. He was initially making a lot of money, but in the recent months lots of red.
Professor: Aw man, this guy’s broke as hell!
K’un-Lun: He’s broker than me!
(History/Arcana Professor 18, K’un-Lun 16) Professor notices a lot of books on advanced spell casting. A weird number of books for someone who supposedly dabbles in juice.
Professor: This is quite a bit of magic for a juice man.
K’un-Lun notices books from his time about rituals and what not.
K’un-Lun: I remember these books. They uh… kind of stink. It’s like reading Catcher in the Rye or something.
Surina leads the party down the stairs, Octavia covering the rear. They are now in the basement B1. The walls are made of brick. There are more racks of juice, and some preserve jars. They notice in this darker place that the bottles of juice are glowing, similar to the ghost. They hear scratches and other sounds.
Octavia: *shivers* Critters.
One shadow appears to attack Gobbles (DM rolled a d12 twice to see how many shadows and he rolled a 1 twice). Using the same initiative as before, Surina attacks the shadow with her sword and hits with a 15, doing 9 damage. Octavia shoots at the shadow with her longbow, hits with a 16 and does 10 damage. Lysithea uses Magic Missile at the shadow and does 12 damage total. The shadow disappears. This is good because it was definitely going to hurt Gobbles. Octavia investigates the racks with the juice (17). This room is used more for entertainment. She grabs some bottles of juice and they are all glowing in the dark, just like the ghost and the face cream.
Octavia: So it seems the same stuff covering our ghosts is in these jars.
Lysithea: I get the feeling that Nathanial Beauregard isn’t actually dead. The timing of all this feels off, and now all this glowing stuff.
Gobbles: I get the feeling that he faked his own death and that whatever was messing with his shipments would be messing with his plan.
Octavia: I think he’s trying to find out who’s messing with his shipments.
K’un-Lun moves to check out U1 which is a bathroom. K’un-Lun goes in to wash his hands. When he looks up at the mirror he sees the ghost of Nathanial Beauregard (wisdom saving throw, 22). He fights off the urge to run and thinks something suspicious is in this mirror. He opens the mirror cabinet and finds a jar of face cream. The cream smells better than his fists do.
K’un-Lun: Ooh!
He puts some of the cream on his hands, giving them a weird green glow when held in darkness.
K’un-Lun: Well this is just pleasant!
Professor enters U2, a wreath and wrapping room. The shelves should be filled with supplies but are bare. On a sewing table is what looks like Nathanial Beauregard’s outfits that match what Professor saw in the closet. Professor investigates (6) and he feels like something important is here, but he can’t put his finger on it. It looks like the suits have been sewn to be shabbier on purpose.
Professor: Quinn, come look at this.
K’un-Lun doesn’t respond.
Professor: Monk? MONK! I need a hero in here!
K’un-Lun: *downward sigh* Coming!
Professor: *singing* I need a hero! Something’s not quite right here. You’re a man of fashion, look at these.
K’un-Lun: *looks at his cape* You are right.
Investigation 17, K’un-Lun finds a note in the suit pocket.
K’un-Lun: You couldn’t find this?
Professor: You know I have cataracts from my glaucoma.
K’un-Lun reads the note out loud.
Journal Entry 5
That blasted Ralas. I know he took it! My mother wrote that recipe and now it is gone! The book is ruined, too! Too bad the recipe needs an important fruit!
More bad news. The ritual needs to be completed soon to stop it. The voices are getting louder. The mansion creaks and echoes. I have sent away the servants, they are not worthy!
Professor: How did the Baron know about the stinky claw man? Why would he keep that in his house? Was he paying rent? I knew he fell on hard times, but…
Surina leads the party to B3. She opens the door and it creaks. Chained to a wall is Baron Ralas. In the middle of a room a glowing figure is facing him, cackling.
Figure: Your time is coming! When I gather the other two you will renounce your inheritance and leave here forever!
Surina charges in and tackles the ghostly figure (strength, 15).
Baron: Huzzah! Wait, how is he real?
Surina has him in a lock! The entire party takes out rope to tie up the figure, who is not an actual ghost.
Upstairs Professor and K’un-Lun hear a scream coming from downstairs.
Professor: Hm?
K’un-Lun: It was a lower pitched scream so it’s not Ansel.
They run downstairs and get to the main room (M3) and they see Missi drop through the floor.
K’un-Lun: Op!
They see the hidden stairs and go down. They arrive just in time to see Surina tackle the ghost.
Professor: Sack! Boomshakalaka!
They see the Baron but no Missi.
Professor: Did you see Missi or Ansel?
Lysithea: Thankfully no.
Octavia: We did see Missi earlier. She’s upstairs.
Professor: We just saw her fall downstairs. And Ansel disappeared. Who is that? Why is he wearing so much face cream?
Lysithea unmasks the figure to reveal the culprit.
Everyone together: Ludlow!
K’un-Lun back hands him in the face, and Octavia hits him upside the head.
Professor: Check his pockets!
Suddenly the wall that the Baron is chained to swirls around, then swirls back and he is gone.
Octavia: Where did the Baron go just now?
Gobbles pulls on the chains to see if they swing him around, but they don’t so he just hangs there. The party plus Lysithea’s Mage Hand begin pushing on all of the bricks. The wall rotates and opens to another room. Missi, Ansel, and the Baron are all chained to the wall. There is a large altar with a statuette of the Queen. Nathaniel Bearegard is standing behind the altar when darkness swirls through the room. The three Beauregards and Nathaniel pass out, and in front of the altar rises a shadowy figure of Nathanial Bearegard. Three more shadows of Nathanial rise from the ground. These shadows look familiar, like the ones seen in mirrors throughout the mansion.
Professor: Hah, good trick.
K’un-Lun feels that the ritual was very familiar. Evil people from his time used this ritual.
K’un-Lun: These are old school tactics. As to why they use them I don’t know, but I’ve seen this before.
Initiative (Octavia Nat 20+3, Gobbles 13, Lysithea Nat 20+1, Professor 2, Surina 3, K’un-Lun 17)
Begin Battle of the Nathanials
Octavia shoots an arrow at the middle Nathaniel shadow, hits with a 21, and does 4 damage. Lysithea uses Magic Missile on the 3 lesser shadows, doing 2, 2, and 4 damage. K’un-Lun makes his way past the shadows to Nathanial Beauregard and attacks twice. His first attack hits with a 13 for 7 damage, but his second misses with a 12. The shadows begin to swarm K’un-Lun. One hits K’un-Lun with a 17 for 8 damage, temporarily reducing his strength by 1. The second and third shadow attack K’un-Lun but both miss. Nathaniel attacks K’un-Lun with a melee spell attack, hits with a 23 and does 15 damage. He feels the shadow reach out and drain his life force. Gobbles walks up to the three shadows and Thunderclaps. He does 6 points of damage to each shadow, and the middle one dissipates. Surina moves next to K’un-Lun and uses her Dragon Breath, decimating another shadow and doing 8 damage to Nathaniel. Professor moves up a little, reaches into his bag, grabs a ball, pushes a button, throws it in front of him, and out comes his force ballista cannon. He uses his bonus action to fire. The cannon hits with a 17 and does 14 damage, blowing Nathaniel back 5 feet. Octavia shoots at Nathaniel with her longbow, hits with a 16 and does 4 damage. Lysithea shoots Fire Bolt at the little shadow but misses by 1 with a 12. The little shadow attacks K’un-Lun but misses. Nathanial moves (K’un-Lun misses his attack of opportunity) and uses Lightning Bolt, hitting K’un-Lun, Surina, Gobbles, and Lysithea across the room. Surina and Lysithea fail their saving throw (barely) and take full damage of 14. Gobbles and K’un-Lun make their saves and only take half damage, 7. K’un-Lun has 2 health left. K’un-Lun disengages and heads towards Professor. Gobbles gets out of line range, moves up to Nathaniel, and uses a bonus action to cast Hex Blade’s Curse. He also casts Green Flame Blade, but it looks like cake frosting. He also activates Fury of the Small. He rolls his attack and misses with a 11, but he uses his inspiration to roll again… and also gets an 11. He hears the Price is Right failure trombone from the faerie-dragon on his head. Surina attacks the little shadow with her sword, initially hitting with a Nat 1, but spends her inspiration and hits with a 16. She does 5 damage and defeats the shadow! Professor’s cannon scoots up and shoots at Nathaniel, but misses with a 12. Professor then heals K’un-Lun 10 points of healing with Cure Wounds.
K’un-Lun: Thank you. I feel like I’m bleeding a little bit less.
Octavia shoots at Nathanial’s face again, hits with a 17, and does 8 more damage. Lysithea casts Scorching Ray and hits with a 23, 26, and a Nat 20, doing a total of 33 fire damage. Nathaniel hits Gobbles with Vampiric Touch as a 4th level spell. He hits with a 25 and does 18 necrotic damage to Gobbles. This drops Gobbles, but he does a 2nd level Hellish Rebuke on his way down combined with Fury of the Small and Hex Blade’s Curse. A very angry burst of confetti pops in Nathaniel’s face for 26 damage. Gobbles makes his death saving throw (Nat 20) and regains 1 hit point. Thistle Winkle Frost drapes itself over Gobbles as he falls, but when Gobbles regains HP the faerie-dragon opens his wings revealing Gobbles standing heroically, then perches on his shoulders and expands his wings.
Thistle Winkle Frost: You’re an angel, new friend!
K’un-Lun punches Nathaniel with Fury of Blows, succeeding in 2 out of his 3 hits. He does a total of 17 damage.
Gobbles: You thought you had me!
He swings his warhammer double handed over Nathanial’s head, and he crits on a 19 because of his Hex Blade, doing a total of 13 damage. He uses his bonus action to disengage and runs away when he sees Nathanial still standing. Surina moves to flank, casts Hunter’s Mark and attacks Nathaniel with Searing Smite. She hits with a 13 and does a combined total of 10 damage. Professor fires his cannon and hits with a 19, doing 8 force damage. The cannon hits and the evilness around the whole area dissipates.
And He Would Have Gotten Away With It, Too….
Missi, Ansel, and the Baron start waking up, but Nathaniel is still on the ground passed out. The Queen’s statue is in the room.
Professor takes the statue before untying the captives.
Professor: You can have the house and the debt.
They are alive but are drained from the spell. Gobbles heals himself with Healing Word then heads towards Ludlow, who is trying to worm his way away.
Ludlow: And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t…
Professor: *interrupting* We were summoned because we were written in the will! I am the Baron!
Gobbles: It is the will of the various dragons I work with.
Ludlow: You shouldn’t have been here! I would have gotten the house!
Professor: Well then it’s up to the three of them to decide what to do with you.
Ludlow: They’re alive?
Lysithea: They’re alive, just not awake.
Nathaniel’s clothing is in perfect condition, unlike the other’s and the clothing found in the wreath and wrapping room. On Nathaniel’s body is a code to the bricks for the secret door. Going through everything else the party finds a crypt (B6) for all the previous Beauregards. Nathaniel has been living in the crypts.
The party has the statue. Finally. End Session.
Check Out
Spotlight on Another Player:
- Kevin: Cordelia (Surina) tackling the Scooby-Doo villain.
- Shannon: Gobbles nearly dying and then bouncing back on his feet.
- Liz: Gobbles for assisting Octavia in lock picking the door to the basement.
- Ian: Watching Ansel disappear after touching the ball.
- Cordelia: When K’un-Lun used Professor to break down the door.
- Miranda: I’m torn between choosing Liz for taking action and really getting into it today, and Justice for creating this amazing Scooby-Doo mystery mansion.
- Justice: Everyone’s creative way of doing things in this. Everyone had their own way doing things and it came together really well. Even though you split the party it wasn’t a detriment split. You all did everything in unique ways and, even though you didn’t find all the clues, you managed to unmask the villain.
A Challenge or Something Learned:
- Kevin: Never trust lawyers.
- Shannon: I learned that Professor makes for an excellent barge.
- Liz: I learned that we didn’t need a super cool plan involving the fake skeleton I’ve been carrying.
- Ian: I learned I don’t look good in hats and mirrors are dumb.
- Cordelia: I learned how to use my Hunter’s Mark spell.
- Miranda: When I rolled not one but TWO Nat 1s and became rendered useless in the library.
- Justice: I’ve learned to use outside resources when creating dungeons and to not just rely on myself.
Prediction or Hope for Next Session:
- Kevin: Shanghaiing Red Herring (Rouge Hareng) into taking us on sea adventures and/or going to the Ryphyet Voodoo Fest.
- Shannon: I hope the Beauregard kids give us some form of compensation for saving their behinds other than giving us that statue.
- Liz: I predict that the statue isn’t all the Queen is going to want…
- Ian: I predict the Queen is going to do something bad with this statue.
- Cordelia: I hope we have another session like this. Like how it was Scooby-Doo, I want another session like that.
- Miranda: I hope that when we return the statue to the Queen that we find she has either slain Marcus like we warned him, or we find him locked up with Slogoth.
- Justice: I hope to get everyone engaged as much as they’ve been in the past few sessions.
Analysis: Cordelia had the best time with these Scooby-Doo sessions. It’s hard to see because this is written word, but she was very involved in these sessions. She chose what rooms we went to and was on top of combat, as always. Even though she didn’t really speak, she did act this session. She acted out running away when the books levitated, and acted when she tackled the villain. She has been inspired to create her own dungeon, which she and Justice have begun working on. Cordelia will be DMing in a few weeks time and I can’t wait!